L-ANT/03 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

- reconstructing the long history of the city of Rome which, from the wars to maintain its independence, was able to affirm its hegemony in Latium and the Mediterranean basin, leaving an indelible mark even in European history;

- presenting aims and specific tools of the methodology of historical research: interpreting the past through the various ancient sources and accurately placing the contents acquired on a diachronic line and in a geographical context;

- defining and examining some particular “problems” of the discipline in light of the modern historiographic debate.

Course Structure

Taught classes, but, in order to consolidate the disciplinary contents acquired on a manual basis (knowledge), exercises will be held on specific topics through the direct reading of some literary and epigraphic evidence (skills).

Detailed Course Content

- the origins of Rome and the monarchical age: relationships with the Etruscan world and other peoples of the Italian peninsula;

- Republican Rome: social, political, cultural and religious organization;

- expansionism in the Mediterranean basin;

- Imperial Rome: social and political organization of the Principate;

- the third century: economic problems and social dynamics;

- Christianity and imperial power;

- the bureaucratization in Late Antiquity;

- the fall of the Western Roman Empire;

- illness and medical science in the Roman world.

Textbook Information

Module A. The documentary basis of Roman history (3 CFU)

- G. Zecchini, Il pensiero politico romano. Dall’età arcaica alla Tarda Antichità. Nuova edizione, Roma Carocci Editore 2018 (2a edizione), pp. 11-190.

- G. Poma (a cura di), La storia antica. Metodi e fonti per lo studio, Bologna Il Mulino 2016, pp. 7-130; 157-195; 209-224; 245-307.


Module B. Knowledge of Roman history from its origins to the Late Empire (3 CFU)

C. Giuffrida-M. Cassia-G. Arena, Roma e la sua storia. Dalla città all’Impero, Bologna Il Mulino, 2019, pp. 1-249.


Module C. Illness and medical science in the Roman world (3 CFU)

The student will study the following texts:

- I. Andorlini - A. Marcone, Medicina, medico e società nel mondo antico, Firenze, Le Monnier 2004, pp. 1-195;

- G. Arena, Inter eximia naturae dona. Il silfio cirenaico fra Ellenismo e Tarda Antichità, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno Editore 2008, pp. 11-86.

The student can otherwise choose:

- G. Arena - M. Cassia, Marcello di Side. Gli imperatori adottivi e il potere della medicina, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno Editore 2016, pp. I-XI; 9-348.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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