CHIM/02 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Understand the concepts and methods of study of Environmental Physical Chemistry. In particular: to know the scientific basis of the concept of sustainability; thermodynamic knowledge for the study of pollutant flows; in-depth knowledge on thermodynamic dynamics and terrestrial environment; life cycle analysis, LCA; basic information on the end of life of products.

Course Structure

The course is organized in 4 Laboratory CFUs and 2 frontal lessons CFUs

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Frontal Lessons (2 CFU):

Sustainability and environmental impact
Mass balance and kinetics
Transport phenomena - diffusion - reaction
Structure and composition of the atmosphere.
Dynamics of the atmosphere.
Thermodynamics of the atmosphere.
Models for transporting pollutants: "PLUME" and "PUFF".
Methodologies for the evaluation of energy consumption
Methodologies for the evaluation of Life Cycle Assessment

Laboratory experience (4 CFU):

Pollutant degradation kinetics
Zero Fe nanoparticles for remediation of polluting soils
Nanoparticles of oxides for photocatalysis
Numerical methods for computer simulation of transport, diffusion and reaction phenomena of pollutants
Machine-learning" methods for the management of big data resulting from environmental monitoring
Comparison of Life Cycle Assessment between standard and emerging technologies
Sensors for monitoring volatile organic compounds

Textbook Information

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