CHIM/03 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To give a basic knowledge of Inorganic Chemistry with particular attention on the elements of the s an p groups and to integrate the basic concepts of foudamental chemistry with specific arguments (structure of solids, solubility equilibrium and electrochemistry).

The aim is give a basic knowledge on electrochemistry and inorganic systems and some practical skills in order to solve simple problems.

Course Structure

This module which is organized through lectures(3 CFU), exercises and lab practice (3CFU) gives the needed information to understand the chemical behaviour of some simple inorganic systems.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Theoretical lessons (3 CFU)


· Basic on the electrochemical cells. Conductors of I and II species. Voltaic cells. Galvanic semielements. Hydrogen electrodes and standard electrode. Electrochemcal series. Free energy and electrical work. Nerst law. Electrochemical cells. Electrochemistry products and Faraday laws.

Chemical bond and structure of solids

• Classification of solids. Ionic and covalent solids.Ionic bond: lattice energy and Madelung constant. Structure of solids: amorphous and crystalline solids. Structures and properties of metals.

Salt solubility in water

· Solubility. Energy of the solubility process. Low solubility salt. Solubility equilibrium and solubility product.

Chemistry of s-p elements

• Introduction to the elements and periodic properties. Main groups: Hydrogen and groups 1°-2° and 13°-18°. General characteristics of the elements of the main groups. Natural abudance. Reactivity of the elements. Preparation methods. Compounds with hydrogen, oxygen and alogens. Salts and other compounds

Preliminary notions on transition metals and coordination compounds



Exercise and Lab practice (3 CFU)

- Applications of the Nerst low and calcule of the f.e.m. pH effects..

-Application of the Faraday law.

-Exercises on solubility equilibrioum. Effect of common ions. Effects of the pH


Laboratoy practice :

• preparation of Daniel cell and concentration effects.

• Water electrolisis and Faraday law

• Preparation of KNO3 (salnitro)

• Determination of the solubility product of CaSO4×2H2O

• Recognition and separation of the anions of the 2° group

• Recognition of the following anions Cl-, Br-and I-

• Preparation of the sylver-amonia complex and detemination of the complexation constant.

Textbook Information

•1. On-line slides :

•2 Bertini, Luchinat, Mani «Chimica Inorganica» Ambrosiana

•3. John Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, John R. Townsend “Chimica”, EdiSES

•4. Petrucci, Harwood, Herring, “Chimica Generale”, Piccin

•5. A cura di M. Speranza “Chimica Generale e Inorganica”, edi-ermes”

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