M-PED/03 - 8 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to achieve the following educational objectives:

- know the fundamentals of special pedagogy; - learn about the transition from emendative pedagogy to special pedagogy; - be aware of the birth of special pedagogy and of the main reference figures; - know the most significant regulations on disability; - know the reference debate at a terminological level about the constructs of insertion, integration and educational and social inclusion; - be aware of inclusive training planning - know the main stages of the life project of the person with disabilities - know the reflection on the themes of autonomy and independence of disabled children and adults; - analyze the stages of planning educational pathways in the school and extra-curricular context - analyze the role of institutions: disability and the role of the family; - learn about the debate on training alternation and the professional identity of secondary school disabled people; - know the programmatic lines of the project, the training alternation and the professional identity of secondary school disabled people; - Analyze the results of the survey; school-work alternation and disability: new pedagogical research for a changing school; - know the role of the teacher promoting educational and social inclusion; - analyze the SLD and the main interventions: the psychological and sociological perspective.

Course Structure

Teaching will take place through lectures, group work, simulate and problem solving analysis.


"Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus"

Detailed Course Content

The contents focus on:

- The birth of special pedagogy - General pedagogy and special pedagogy report - From marginalization to inclusion - Montessori's perspective; Inclusive training planning - Terminological reflection and reference integration / inclusion models - The life plan of the person with disabilities - Education in autonomy and the social and work integration of disabled people with Down syndrome - The planning of educational pathways in the school and extracurricular context - The legislation on special pedagogy; the role of institutions; disability and the role of the family; - Training alternation and the professional identity of secondary school disabled people; - The existential planning of the disabled; towards the autonomy of the disabled; - The programmatic lines of the project: training alternation and professional identity of secondary school disabled people; - Analysis and pedagogical interpretation of the survey results; school-work alternation and disability: new pedagogical research for a changing school; - Research design and sample determination; the detection devices and methods of administration; the tools and techniques of analysis; the results of the research; - The role of the teacher promoting educational and social inclusion; - SLD and interventions: the psychological and sociological perspective.

Textbook Information

1) P. Mulè, Alternanza formativa e identità professionale dei disabili nella scuola secondaria di II grado, Cooperativa sociale Ragazzi In Volo a.r.l. Onlus, Ragusa- Catania, 2018

2) L. D'Alonzo, Pedagogia speciale per l'inclusione, Scholé, Brescia 2018

3) P. Mulè, a cura di, Il docente promotore dell'inclusione formativa e sociale, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2016

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