M-PSI/01 - 10 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To offer the basic knowledge to internalize the foundations, the theoretical bases and the main doctrines of psychology. Through an integrated approach provide the essential elements for understanding the emotional, motivational and cognitive processes that characterize the development and organization of the behavior individual.

Furthermore, will be provided cues for the application of these processes in the sports field.

Finally, particular attention will be given to Eating Disorders, analyzing the specificity of these disorders even in the sports context.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons with multimedia support

Detailed Course Content

History of psychology -Handouts

Perception (Chapter 2)

Attention and action (Chap.3)

Consciousness, sleep, meditation (Chap.4)

Representation, knowledge, mental simulation (Chap.5)

Learning (Chap.6)

The memory (Cap.7)

Thought (Chap.8)

Communication and language (Chap.9)

The motivation (Chap.10)

Emotions (Chap.11)

DCA (Anorexia, Bulimia, Obesity, Vigoressia, Orthorexia) - Handouts

Activation and sporting performance, excellence in sports, emotions and performance, motivation in endurance sports - Handouts

Textbook Information

Fondamenti di psicologia generale

Paolo Legrenzi

Ed. Il Mulino 2014


Recommended texts:

Manuale di psicologia generale dello sport

L. Mandolesi

Ed. Il Mulino 2017

Flow, benessere e prestazione eccellente

Dai modelli teorici alle applicazioni

nello sport e in azienda

A cura di M. Muzio, G. Riva, L. Argenton

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