SECS-P/08 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1.Knowledge and understanding: At the end of the Channel Management course, the student should be able to analyse the critical issues facing the organization of the trade channel, the multi-channel and omni-channel management, logistics and supply chain.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding: The Channel Management course aims at developping the student's ability to apply the analytical tools and concepts in the channel management. In particular, the course aims to apply theoretical frameworks regarding the trade and channel organization organization, channel design, trade marketing, design and operation of the logistics system and supply chain, retail marketing, category management; measurement of the channel performance. The approach is inductive. Basis on an examination of experiences, case studies and testimonials from executives and entrepreneurs, the student will be able to reconstruct the conceptual categories and literature contributions and apply them correctly in the different business contexts, through the presentation of a project work.

3. Making judgments: this course is designed to provide the student with detailed, in depth knowledge of the literature, skills and applying knowledge. The student will be able to make judgment about the impact of trade organization and channel management on the economic performance of the firm and the effectiveness of the marketing policies adopted by the retailers.

4. Communication skills: Class discussions and assignments are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they will need to critically evaluate the channel management decisions and communicate ideas effectively in written and oral form, by adopting an appropriate technical language.

5. Learning skills: Learning is gradual and is favoured by the use of experiences and examples, case studies, applied activities, in-class presentations and discussions with executives and entrepreneurs, an in depth knowledge of the literature. Reports, individual and group assignments and project works further support the learning process and the understanding of the main issues related to the trade and channel management.

Pre- requisites: There are no formal prerequisites for the course; although some basic knowledge of Strategy, Business Management , Marketing and Trade & Sales Management is expected.

Attendance: Strongly recommended

Course Structure

Teaching organization/methods: Lectures, Applied Activities, Case Studies, In-Class Presentations and Discussions with Executives and Entrepreneurs, Seminars, Individual and Group Assignments, Final Exam (written test with open and semi-open questions and a project work).

Detailed Course Content

The Channel Management course addresses the issue of channel design, multi-channel management and trade organization. In particular, the course deals with the following main topics: 1. Channel Design. 2. Retailers Evolution in a changing competitive context. 3. Shopper Marketing. 4. Shopper 4.0 and Multi-Channel Management. 4. From multi to omnichannel management. 5. Retail Marketing. 7. In Store Marketing: Category Management, Retail branding and Merchandising. 8. Logistics system design and trade marketing. 9.Channel Metrics Measurement.

Textbook Information

  1. Fornari Daniele, Trade Marketing & Sales Management, Egea, 2018
  2. Fornari D., Grandi S., Fornari E., "Retailvision. Gli scenari del marketing distributivo", Egea, 2019, Cap. 2, 3, 4
  3. Bellini S., "Channel relationship (r)evolution. Come cambiano le relazioni di canale nel contesto di convergenza e omnicanalità", Egea, 2017, Chapter 3, 6
  4. Fornari D., Grandi S., Fornari E., "Retailvision. Gli scenari del marketing distributivo", Egea, 2019
  5. Additional teaching material, ppt presentations and readings edited and/or suggested by the instructors posted on STUDIUM ( and/or in the Library of the Department of Economics and Business. The teaching materials and ppt presentations used during the lessons are an integral part of the program for all the students.

Other suggested lectures:

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