Sistemi di elaborazione dati per l'economia

INF/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Provide future economists (both public and private companies) with tools, methods and keys for reading

and interpreting economic data and how they are processed and with which IT tools. The educational

model is aimed at providing students with IT tools through IT platforms to develop data sets, use macros

for data analysis and associate IT tools for the synthesis and reading of results.

The course is strongly oriented with simulations on real cases and provides the student with new

competitive skills in the preparation of specific computer skills for data analysis. The course is designed

to facilitate the understanding of the analytical and applicative potentialities of the various techniques

treated and to achieve a good balance between the technical rigor of the methods and the illustration of

their application potential through the use of excell.

Course Structure

I MODULE - The potential of information technology for data analysis - 3 CFU

II MODULE - Use of Excell and its potential as a tool for data analysis - 3 CFU

Detailed Course Content

I MODULE - The potential of information technology for data analysis - 3 CFU

Description of the program

In this module will be developed the knowledge on the main IT aspects related to the creation of data

stes, their composition, their cleaning, the type of variables, filters and the intraductive aspects of big

data analysis.

INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS: definition of computer science; introduction on data analysis;

data mining, big data analysis and machine learning; notions of databases, data matrix and information

technology; Network, binary code and computer operation; Introduction to excel.

DATA INGESTION: How to acquire data; Where data is acquired (main online databases); Data types (time

series, cross section and panel) and variables (binary, ordinal, continuous, etc.); Data cleaning.

II MODULE - Use of Excell and its potential as a tool for data analysis - 3 CFU

Description of the program

In this module will be developed the knowledge on the use of excell and its macro in order to provide the

student with technical skills useful and usable for all subsequent disciplines.

DATA ANALYSIS WITH EXCEL: Algorithms and Excel environment; Functionality (search, find, find and

replace, sort, etc.); Formulas (implementation, main formulas); Macro for data analysis; Data sets and

dialogue between sheets; frequency distributions, creation of contingency tables and statistical

distributions; Graphical analysis and synthesis functions for data analysis; Main graphical tools (time

series, pie charts, bar diagrams, box plots etc.); Of position, of dispersion, of concentration, of form;

Random number generator and applications in economics and finance; functions for data analysis in

excell; PHStat; StatExcell.

Textbook Information


Francesco Borazzo, “Analisi dei dati con Excel 2013" ed. ApogeonLine - Link:

Testi non obbligatori ma per eventuali approfondimenti:

Argyris Kostopoulos, «Elementi di telecomunicazioni», Petrini.

G. Ausiello, C. Batini, V. Frosini, «Informatica» in Enciclopedia Italiana - Appendice VI, Roma, Istituto

dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2000,

Daniel A. Keim, Matthew O. Ward, Georges G. Grinstein- "Interactive Data Visualization: Foundations,

Techniques, and Applications"

Sergio Zani,Andrea Cerioli. “Analisi dei dati e data mining per le decisioni aziendali”.

Alessandro Rezzani. “Big Data Analytics. Il manuale del data scientist”.

M. Ross Sheldon, Introduzione alla statistica, 2ª ed., Maggioli Editore, 2014

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