IUS/17 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding

Students will acquire the knowledge and full understanding of the principles and fundamental institutions of the general part of criminal law, particularly with regard to the nature and functions of the sanction system, the criminal liability, the criteria that govern the choices of criminalization and techniques of recognition of illicit criminal acts: the principles of materiality, offensiveness and typicality, on the one hand, and the principle of legality with its corollaries, on the other. In addition, the course’s aim is to provide students with the competence in analysing the crime (objective and subjective components of the typical fact, justifications, guilty) and the so-called forms of manifestation of the crime (participation, attempt, aiding and abetting, the circumstances and concurrence of offenses), as well as the discipline of the system of sanctions.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Students will acquire the skills and expertise to analysing and understanding the case law in criminal matters, the ability to interpret the fact through the categories of criminal law in order to put within a particular offence, the ability to understand the issues of criminal policy, and to carry out a rational analysis of these issues with the dogmatic categories of criminal law; the expertise for the critical analysis of the criminal law (and case law) in a dogmatic and criminal policy perspective (eg. the necessity of criminal intervention in a specific area, the effectiveness and proportionality of the instrument chosen).

Course Structure

Lessons held in classroom by the teacher; tutorials and seminars - in order to deepen topics - held by teacher's collaborators.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

The function of the criminal law, the principle of legality of criminal offenses and penalties and the principle of individual criminal responsibility; scope of the criminal law; notions of general theory of crime; the structure of the offenses (actus reus, unlawfulness, mens rea) and the construction of crime’s types; the voluntary action offences; the voluntary omission offenses; the negligent action offences; the negligent omission offences; unlawfulness and individual justifications; mens rea; the circumstances of the offenses; the attempt; the complicity in criminal offences; strict liability; the concurrence of offences and the apparent concurrence of offences; introduction to the sanctions system; the substitutive penalties and the measures alternative to imprisonment; the commensuration of sanctions; the objective conditions of punishability; the events of punishability.

Textbook Information

A) G. FIANDACA – E. MUSCO, Diritto penale, Parte generale, Bologna, 2014, pages: 3-34; 35-47 (leggere); 49-125; 143-152; 161-188; 192-223; 227-269; 271-451; 466-509; 511-561; 566-617; 622-675; 679-698; 701-734; 737-769; 788-796; 797-854;


B) D. Pulitanò, Diritto penale, VIII ed., Giappichelli, Torino 2019. Pagine: 31-40; 43-55; 77-434; 441-460; 470-474; 492-517; 523-554; 567-580


-Cass. Pen., Sez. Un., 24 aprile 2014, n. 38343, "THYSSENKRUPP", in materia di dolo eventuale e di responsabilità degli enti, limitatamente ai paragrafi indicati su studium all'interno dell'omonima cartella,o sul cartaceo reperibile nella biblioteca del quinto piano, e con particolare attenzione alle questioni di diritto;

-- Cass. Pen., Sez. Un., 10 luglio 2002 - 11 settembre 2002, n. 30328, in materia di nesso di causalità

-Corte Cost., 8 novembre 2006 - 23 novembre 2006, n. 394, sulla questione del sindacato di costituzionalità sulle norme penali di favore

-Corte Cost., 10 novembre 2016, n. 236, in materia di proporzionalità della pena e rieducazione

- - Cassazione Penale, Sez. III, 10 dicembre 2019 (ud. 10 ottobre 2019), n. 49883 in tema di legittima difesa (

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