IUS/07 - 7 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to reinforce the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance the curriculum of students interested in the issues of jobs and occupation. The learning outcome will allow students to analyze the rules regarding (a) the administrative organization and the public intervention in the labour market, the activity of public employment services and private agencies and the obligations that accompany the conclusion of employment contracts; (b) the different types of employment contracts; (c) contracts for the integration of young people into the labour market; (d) the insertion of disabled people into work.
Through the study of the subject, the student will be able to integrate the knowledge acquired during the course of Labor Law with the ones specifically related to the size of the labour market, its actors and its legal instruments of operation.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will gain an advanced knowledge both in Labour Law and Labour Market Law.
These skills are really necessaries in globalised and integrated economic systems, where occupation policies and active labour market policies (ALMPs) concern different levels of the legal system (european, national, regional).

Course Structure

The course is based on face-to-face lessons; reports and interventions by the students concerned are also planned.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

1. General part: Labour market discipline:

a. The European, national and regional labour market. The freedom of movement of European citizens and the right of access to pubic employment services (PES). EURES and the European network of Public Employment Services.

b. Access to the labour market in the European Pillar of social rights, active support for employment; inclusion of the long-term unemployed in the labour market; transitional labour markets.

c. Labour market in the Constitution: State and Regions

d. From placement to employment services. Public and private in the labour market: from bans to regulation. Authorisations and accreditations

e. Active labour market policies (ALMPs): conditionality and activation

f. Public Employment Services and employment agencies

g. The National Agency for Active Labour Market Policies (Agenzia Nazionale delle Politiche Attive: ANPAL)

h. The "Fascicolo Elettronico del Lavoratore" (FEL) and the employer’s reporting obligations (constitution, termination and modification of the employment relationship);

i. "Cassa integrazione guadagni", unemployment benefits

2. Monographic themes:

a) Platform economy and platform work. Riders

b) Minimun income and active inclusion in the labour market

Textbook Information

General Part:

A. Tursi, P. Varesi, Istituzioni di diritto del lavoro, Cedam, 2019, Chapters II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX (36-178); A. Sartori, Il Jobs Act e la riforma dei servizi per l’impiego in Italia: finalmente la svolta nel solco dell’Europa? RIDL, 2016, III (19-43)

Special Part:

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