M-STO/04 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

Politic Revolutions - Nations e Nationalism - The Italian "Risorgimento" - Imperialism and Colonialism - Italy from Crispi to Giolitti - The Great War - The First After War - Totalitarianism: communism, fascism, nazism - Democracies - The Spanish Civil War - World War II - The Cold War - The Italian Republic - The end of the URSS - Globalization -

Textbook Information

For non-attending students: 1 G. Sabbatucci-V. Vidotto, L'Ottocento, Laterza (whole book); 2 G. Sabbatucci-V. Vidotto, Il Novecento, Laterza (whole book).
For attending students: 1 G. Poidomani, Lezioni di Storia contemporanea, Novalogos; 2 M. Bonomo-G. Poidomani, "L'Italia chiamò". La Sicilia e la Grande guerra, Carocci; 3 Word documenti; PDF documents; Powerpoint files to integrate

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