IUS/01 - 7 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding

The student must know and understand the role and function of private autonomy in our legal system.

The student must also know and understand the most important steps of the development of discipline and case law in regard to subcontracting, franchising, leasing and garantievertrag.

For the achievement of this objective, critical thinking skills are required by the student, together with the necessary institutional knowledge of private law.

Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension

The student must be able to solve some hypothetical conflicts between operators using the concepts learned

Course Structure

Lectures, case law analysis and seminars

Detailed Course Content

The recent trend that try to differentiate the regulation of contracts according to the subjective qualification of contractors - Contract BtoB - Rationality of Market Agents ancd Contract Law - Subcontracting and outsourcing - Leasing - Franchising - Garantievertrag

Textbook Information

GITTI - MAUGERI - NOTARI, I contratti per l’impresa, Il Mulino, 2012:
Capitoli I – II – III – XII – XV – XXV – XXXI

About 200 pages

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