IUS/18 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding

Acquisition of analytics notions about typology of the sources of cognitions pertinent on roman law (VIII c. b.Ch. – VI c. a.Ch.) and grasp of the techniques for their correct utilization in a critical-philological way in order to historical recomposing of the juridical roman experience.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Capacity of application of the knowledge about the sources of cognition and of the grasp about the specific application to historical-critical study of the roman law and of the grounding of the juridical western thought from it originating.

Course Structure

The course will carry out in the following way:
a) two-thirds through front-desk lessons
b) one-third through contributed lessons
Afterwords the development of the lessons, students will be optional demanded to write up papers about specific items of the program

Detailed Course Content

General Part

Sources of production and sources of cognition. Classification of the sources of cognition. Epigraphic materials und book forms. Main sources of cognition in classical law and the Gaius’s Institutiones. Main sources of cognition in the post-classical law. The Justinian’s Corpus Iuris Civilis. Methods of compilation and study of the interpolations.

Special Part

Sources of cognition and methods of their utilization in the critical recomposing of institutes of the roman private and public law: freedom and citizenship.

Textbook Information

Not attending Students:

For the “general part”: Renzo Lambertini, Introduzione allo studio esegetico del diritto romano, Clueb edizioni, 2006, only chapters I (pp.11-23), II (25-31), VI (61- 71), VII, §§ 1-13 (73-90) §§ 18-20 (PP. 94-98), VIII (101-135).

For the “special part”: Mario Genovese, Le radici classiche di 'libertà' e 'cittadinanza', Libreria editrice Torre 2018, chapters I and III (about 22+22) and choice of chapter II (about 30) or IV (about 30).

Total pages (test-book general part + test-book special part): about 165.


Attending Students:

Notes handed out during the teaching and and selected pages from (geral part) Renzo Lambertini, Introduzione allo studio esegetico del diritto romano, Clueb edizioni, 2006, and Mario Genovese, Le radici classiche di 'libertà' e 'cittadinanza', Libreria editrice Torre 2018.

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