IUS/01 - 7 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledges: students obtain a thorough Knowledge of home and trans-national law that regulates the different aspects of Family Law. Students learn the most important problems that arise from the construction of the rules and the pertinent solutions advanced by the doctrin and the jurisprudence.

Ability: students are able to reason and look for solutions to the quieries that arise from the different rules of Family Law. Students are able to find gaps and incoherences in the law and elaborate different solutions. They are able to understand ways of harmonizing the protection of the fundamental personal rights and the family organization.

Competences: students are conscious of social dimension of the family; they understand the balance between rules and private autonomy. They are sensitive to the different values on which family can be based, also regarding the experience of both foreign regulations and the principles of European Family Law.

Course Structure

Lectures, during which also practical cases are faced whose solution is entrusted to the active participation of the students attended, also through the establishment of special working groups.

Detailed Course Content

Family law evolution and its basic characteristics;

- Marriage. Personal and patrimonial relationship between husband and wife.

- Family without marriage;

- Alimonies;

- Family firm;

- Invalidity of marriage, separation, divorce;

- Filiation

- Adoption and assurance.

Textbook Information

T. AULETTA, Diritto di famiglia, Giappichelli, Torino, ed. 4a , 2019, p. 1-414.

Codice civile, a cura di A. Di Majo, Milano, ult. ed., 2018.

If law changes, students will find uploaded materials on University platform Studium.

Students have to study about 300 pages, because they haven’t to study notes and bibliography. Moreover, phrases written in more little characters have to be studied only by students which want improve their knowledge to obtain a better grade.

Teacher and students can agree upon alternative materials.

Moreover, a code civil updated in 2017

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