IUS/13 - 7 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and comprehension

This course provides students a focused insight into the transnational legal dimensions of today’s world and the opportunity to critically discuss and understand the different methods of making, interpreting and enforcing the law beyond the domestic legal orders.

Student attending the Transnational Law Course on a regular basis are expected to gain advanced knowledge in public/private international law, international organization and comparative legal systems getting acquainted with the state of the art scientific debate as well as with a deeper understanding of transnational legal conflicts and processes in a wider and integrated perspective.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Being capable of first advanced problem-solving in laws interpretation and enforcement, writing a paper and delivering a public presentation on a given subject. This enables the attainment of further higher educational levels within the areas of interests of transnational law programs.

Course Structure

Taught Seminars

Detailed Course Content

1. From Public International Law to Transnational Law: Peer Zumbansen

2. From Public International Law to Transnational Law: Roger Cotterrell

3. From Public International Law to Transnational Law: Mathias Reimann

4. From Public International Law to Transnational Law: Gregory Shaffer & Carlos Coye

5. From Public International Law to Transnational Law: James E. Baker

6. From Public International Law to Transnational Law: Karsten Nowrot

7. A Case Study: EU Cross-Border Cooperation

Textbook Information

1. Peer Zumbansen, Transnational Law (2006)

2. Roger Cotterrell, What is Transnational Law? (2012)

3. Mathias Reimann, From the Law of Nations to Transnational Law (2004)

4. Gregory Shaffer & Carlos Coye, From International Law to Jessup's Transnational Law, from Transnational Law to Transnational Legal Orders (2017)

5. James E. Baker, What's International Law Got to Do With It? Transnational Law and the Intelligence Mission (2007)

6.Karsten Nowrot, Aiding and Abetting in Theorizing ... ( 2018)

7. Anna Margherita Russo, Globalization and Cross-border Cooperation in EU Law: A Transnational Research Agenda (2012)

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