L-FIL-LET/02 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

The course is articulated into two modules: the first (by Monica Centanni), on the method and on the general features of Greek culture and mechanisms of the Classical tradition; the second (by Paolo B. Cipolla), on the linguistic bases of Greek culture.
Both the first and the second module will be carried out through lectures and exercises.

Detailed Course Content

Pars I : Lectures on methodology and case-studies (CFU 6)
- Historical and critical reading of the literary and iconographic sources
- Classical Tradition and history

Pars II : Basics of Greek vocabulary and rhetoric (CFU 3)
1) Lysias, On the Murder of Eratosthenes.
2) Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods.
3) Euripides, Hecuba, 1-58, 216-443, 521-582.
4) Menander, The Shield, (acts II-III), (ll. 257-447)

Full reading of texts nos. 1) and 2) is required in Greek and in translation. Text nos. 3) and 4), besides the analysis of specified verses in original language, shall be read fully in translation.

Textbook Information

Pars I
I.1 M. Centanni, L’originale assente. Introduzione allo studio della tradizione classica, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005 (pp. 1- 439 )
I.2 5 essays chosen by the student on Aby Warburg’s methodolody, and on case-studies of the Classical tradition, taken from "La Rivista di Engramma" (pp. 50 ca.)

Pars II (recommended editions)
II.1 Lisia, Apologia per l'uccisione di Eratostene. Epitafio, a cura di G. Avezzù, Padova, Antenore 1985 (full reading).
II.2 Luciano, Dialoghi di dei e di cortigiane, a cura di A. Lami e F. Maltomini, BUR, Milano 1986, pp. 184-327.
II.3 Euripide, Ecuba, a cura di L. Battezzato. BUR, Milano 2010 (full reading).
II.4 Menandro, Lo scudo, introduzione, testo traduzione e commento a cura di P. Ingrosso, Lecce-Iseo 2010, pp. 96-109.

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