L-LIN/13 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

The course will be divided into two parts:

  1. a series of lessons will be devoted to some general topics, motivs, methodologies regarding German arts and literature in the time between 1750 and 1830.

2. a series of lessons will be devoted to the discussion with the students taking part to the lessons about the literary texts listed in the programm. Each reading text will be presented by a group of students and discussed with the teacher and the class.

Detailed Course Content

A) History and Literature in the time of Goethe

The course will refer to the use of a basic book about the history of literature with a specific cultural approach and with a focus on some relevant motifs of the“Time of Goethe” (book in section A)

B) Main Motifs and Topics

The course will point out some main topics and motifs relevant to the literary works of the time (book in section B).

C) Innovation and Tradition

Genres and style as vehicle of innovation and tradition in their formal aspects as well as in their plot and language will be discussed after reading some primary text (four out of those listed below in section C).

Textbook Information

The use of any edition of the classical texts is allowed.


A History and Literature in the time of Goethe

B Main Motifs and Topics

C Innovation and Tradition (3 CFU)


(3 of the following works in any edition):

A brief reader of text in German language will be put at disposition on STUDIUM.

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