L-LIN/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

The course aims at providing the students with the coordinates of the process of Indo-Europeanization (the process of spread and proliferation of Indo-European languages and cultures) in prehistoric times. The course proposes a)-b) to reflect with historical awareness upon the dynamics of linguistic change and conservation and c) to present an overview of the theoretical and historical problems of the formation of the European linguistic framework, also in light of some typical situations of medieval and modern Europe, of different periods and geographical and historical-cultural context.

The reference to some case studies such as multilingualism in Sicily in medieval times will allow to introduce students into the research lab of the teacher and to show them a research in progress.

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into three modules:

  1. Linguistic change (2 ECTS).
  2. Interlinguistic contact in Sicily (2 ECTS)
  3. The Indo-Europeanization of the European Continent (2 ECTS).

Textbook Information

  1. Linguistic change (2 ECTS)


  1. Lazzeroni, R. (a cura di), Linguistica storica, Roma, Carocci, 2012, pp. 13-54 (Il mutamento linguistico).
  2. F. Fanciullo, Introduzione alla linguistica storica, Il Mulino, 2007, pp. 1-46
  3. Lecture notes and slides are available on STUDIUM

Useful tools for carrying out application exercises:



  1. Interlinguistic contact in Sicily (2 ECTS)
  1. Trovato S. C., Valenti I., Lingua e storia [in Sicilia], in G. Ruffino (a cura di), Lingue e culture in Sicilia, Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani, Palermo, 2013, pp. 1-89.
  2. Trovato S. C., Interferenze fonologiche arabo-siciliane dall’arabo /ḫ, ḥ, h/ al siciliano /h/, /f/, /k/, in «Bollettino» [del] Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 18, 1995: 279-293.
  3. Valenti I., Per una storia del contatto interlinguistico in Sicilia nell’epoca normanno-sveva, uniniversity pantry (materials will be provided by the teacher on STUDIUM).


  1. The Indo-Europeanization of the European Continent (2 ECTS)
  1. Villar, F. Gli indoeuropei e le origini dell’Europa, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008 [pp. 9-14 (Prefazione) e 15-195 (Parte prima e Parte seconda); pp. 343-593 (Parte quarta: a chapter of student’s choice on a population); pp. 597-655 (Parte quinta)].
  2. Silvestri D., L’Italia prima e oltre Roma. Premesse, storia e destino di un nome, in «150 anni. L’identità linguistica italiana». Atti del XXXVI Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia. Testi raccolti a cura di R. Bombi e V. Orioles. Udine, 27-29 ottobre, Roma Il Calamo, 2012: 29-73 (materials will be provided by the teacher on STUDIUM);
  3. Lecture notes, and slides are available on STUDIUM

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