MAT/04 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To know the main theoretical frameworks in mathematics education.

To know the main methodologies developed in mathematics education.

To know how to manage concrete classroom situations in the process of teaching-learning mathematics in secondary school.

To be able to use technologies for the teaching of mathematics.

Course Structure

The course aims to provide theoretical and practical tools for professional growth as a teacher of mathematics.

Each lesson, therefore, consists of two parts:

I) In the first part of the lesson, knowledge of pedagogical theories and didactical methodologies is conveyed through participatory frontal lessons;

II) in the second part of the lesson in general these theories and methodologies are put into practice in

laboratory activities (usually already tested at school), often in a collaborative or cooperative way.


If logistically possible, a visit to a science museum is planned.

The course includes activities related to teacher training.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

  1. Materiale didattico fornito dal docente
  2. B. D’Amore, S. Sbaragli. (2011). Principi di base di Didattica della matematica. Bologna: Pitagora.
  3. R. Zan. (2007). Difficoltà in matematica. Osservare, interpretare, intervenire. Milano: Springer.
  4. Villani, V. (2003). Cominciamo da zero: domande, risposte e commenti per saperne di più sui perchè della matematica: aritmetica e algebra. Bologna: Pitagora.
  5. Villani, V. (2006). Cominciamo dal punto: domande, risposte e commenti per saperne di più sui perché della matematica (geometria). Bologna: Pitagora.
  6. INDIRE – Risorse per docenti dai progetti nazionali: Il progetto M@t.abel: http://www.scuolavalore.indire.it/?s=search&keyword=&taxo[0][name]=ordine_di_scuole&taxo[0][term]=primaria&taxo[1][name]=discipline&taxo[1][term]=matematica
  7. U.M.I. Matematica 2001 – Materiali per un nuovo curricolo di matematica con suggerimenti per attività e prove di verifica: http://www.umi-ciim.it/materiali-umi-ciim/primo-ciclo/

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