IUS/09 - 8 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the students with the fundamental coordinates in the vast panorama of tourism legislation.​

Preliminarly, basic aspects of legal systems will be introduced, for those students who have never dealt with the study of legal matters.

The first part of the course will be dedicated to the topic of sustainable tourism,​ starting from the general indications on sustainability dictated by the United Nations (from the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment of 1972 to the​ Brundtland Report, from Declarations and Programs of Rio de Janeiro in 1992 to the New York Resolution of 2015), to deepen the documents approved by the World Tourism Organization ​(the Charter of Lanzarote of 1995, the Code of ethics of tourism of 1999, the Program "One Planet - Sustainable Tourism" of 2014).​

Then, we will mention some initiatives of the E.U. in support of sustainable tourism (mostly by the Commission in favor of the Regions; the recent Cooperation Protocol between the European Parliament and UNWTO; the Network of European Regions for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism; Ecolabel for tourist services) and of Italy (in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development).

Finally, particular attention will be paid to the references to sustainable tourism in the Sicilian Region legislation, as a privileged way to enhance the territory.

The second part of the course will be dedicated to the regulation of tourism businesses and tourism activities, with reference, also, to the contracts stipulated in the tourism sector, as well as to the profiles of responsibility of the operators in the sector.​

Through a very practical approach to the topics (with numerous examples and the use of forms, standard contract, etc., in use), it will aim to develop the concrete application of legal rules to enable students, Touristic Operators in training, to carry out their work properly in the future.

For that reason, frequency is strongly recommended.

Course Structure

During lectures, the discussion of each topic of the program will be preceded by an introduction of the legal concepts necessary to understand the subject of the discussion and will be accompanied by numerous practical examples and, if possible, by the consultation of institutional websites (;;; ...), where it is possible to find texts, data and information useful for students.

Some exercises will also be carried out to put into practice and verify the acquisition of the theoretical concepts (for example, the compilation of a S.C.I.A. to be presented to the S.U.A.P. of a Municipality for the start of a business; ...).

Detailed Course Content

I) Legal order. Sources of Italian, EU and International Law.

II) Tourism and sustainability: towards an inseparable "marriage"?

III) Touristic companies and professions.

IV) Tourist contracts.

V) Tourism legislation of the Sicilian Region (only for attending students).

Textbook Information

Renato Santagata, Diritto del turismo, IV edizione, UTET, 2018.​

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