BIO/15 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: the course provides the tools for the recognition of the main plants of pharmaceutical and herbal interest

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student acquires the skills necessary to understand the use and use of medicinal plants in the pharmaceutical and herbalist industry

Learning skills: the student becomes able to recognize and identify plants of specific pharmaceutical and herbal interest

Making judgments: the student develops his critical ability in knowing how to recognize a medicinal plant.

Ability to solve a problem: the student is encouraged to recognize the botanical and pharmaceutical characteristics of medicinal plants

Course Structure

The course will be structured in frontal teaching with power point projection and/or short films. During the course there will be exercises and problem based learning.

Detailed Course Content



Part 1: 1 CFU - 7h

Part 2: 2 CFU - 7h

Part 3: 1 CFU - 7 h

Part 4: 3 CFU - 21h



Textbook Information

1. Maugini E., Maleci Bini L., Mariotti Lippi M. - Manuale di Botanica Farmaceutica IX Ed. – PICCIN 2014

2. Leporatti M., Foddai S., Tommasini L. - Testo atlante di anatomia vegetale e delle piante officinali – PICCIN 1997

3. Poli F. - Biologia Farmaceutica - II Ed. - Pearson 2019

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