1 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The training objective of the internship consists in listing the principles of fixed prosthesis on natural teeth. Therapies will be evaluated in the rehabilitation of the single tooth and the treatment of the missing tooth. Particular attention will be given to the first visit and to the formulation of the treatment plan.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

- ATM dysfunction - Occlusion and Trigger Point - Mobile Prosthesis Preparation - Torus surgery - Fingerprint pick and tray choice - First impression in Total Prosthetics - Phonetic Trials and Freeway Space - Facial Arch, Articulators and Teeth Assembly - Occlusal tests - Skeletal prosthesis (Component preparation, Parallelometer, Balancing and Retention) - Implant protections -Overdenture - Preparation of abutments and instruments - Parapulpari trees - Endocanalari trees -Barras between prosthetic pillars

Textbook Information

-Elementi di occlusione. Autori: Castellani. Editore: Martina . Volume: Unico

- La Protesi Parziale Rimovibile. Autori: Preti-Pera Editore: Quintessenza.

-Fondamenti di Protesi Fissa. Autore: E.Shillinburg . Editore: Quintessenza .

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