BIO/09 - 3 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the student with the knowledge of the functioning of organs and systems of the human body and to analyze the homeostatic control mechanisms.

Course Structure

Frontal Lessons

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to physiology

Homeostasis - Molecular interactions - Cells and Tissues

Metabolism and communication: Membrane and cellular communication - Transport and Energy

Cellular and molecular physiology of the nervous system

Nervous system cells: Nerve cells - Glial cells - Action potential

Ionic channels: Systematics - Structure and functioning - Types of channels - Selectivity and modulation

Receptors and signal transduction: Principles of communication - Neurotransmitters - Receptors and signal transduction

Central nervous system

Neuronal network - Brain - Spinal cord - Brain functions

Sensory Physiology: receptors, somatic and visceral sensitivity - Hearing - Balance - Vision - Taste and smell

Autonomic nervous system and somatic motor system

Central nervous functions and neurovegetative functions

Muscle and motor control

Striated muscle and smooth muscle

Voluntary movement

Reflexes and integrated movement control


Cardiovascular function and physiology: Pressure - Volume - Flow - Resistance

The heart and mechanical cycle - electrical phenomena - circle

Blood vessels and cardiovascular control - The blood

Respiratory and gas exchange

Airways and alveoli - mechanics of breathing

Transport and diffusion of gases - Control of ventilation and alveolar blood flow

Kidneys and electrolytic control - pH control

The nephron: principles of filtration, reabsorption and renal secretion

Hydro-electrolytic homeostasis - Control of osmolarity and volume

Excretion and clearance - Urination

Functioning of the intra- and extra-cellular pH control mechanisms

Digestive system - metabolism - thermoregulation

Operation and stages of digestion

Energy balance and homeostatic control of insulin-glucagon metabolism

Thermogenesis - body temperature and metabolic adaptations

Endocrine and reproduction

Principles and functions of adrenal glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, growth hormone

Calcium homeostasis

Male and female reproductive system and hormonal control

Textbook Information

Fisiologia umana - Un approccio integrato VII edizione. Autore: Silverthorn - Ed. Pearson

- Fisiologia Autore: D’angelo e Peres - Ed. edi-ermes

- Fisiologia umana – Elementi. Autore: Bossi, Cesca, Curia, Gerbella, Lapi, Mapelli, Sancini, Toniolo, Valente, Veronesi - Ed. edi-ermes

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