AGR/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding:

The main object of the course is to describe and explains the interactions between the agri-food system and tourism, offering an interdisciplinary way to understand territories with their agri-food productions, historical cultural, social and environmental, and economic resources.

This integrated approach can be traced back to the new paradigm of multifunctional agriculture, supported at European level by rural development policy, aimed at remunerating public goods and services that by definition are without market full remuneration.

The course also intends to explain the specific dynamic interaction of the agri-food products market, starting from the evolution of styles and models of food consumption, highlighting the reciprocal relationships between environmental, cultural, and enogastronomic resources and the food and wine tourism.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:

students will structure and present simulated case studies based on real ones. In this way they will be able to learn from the experiences of practitioners of the specific economic field. Furthermore students will trained to apply the acquired knowledge in understanding the real importance of a process of rediscovery of territories, where food and wine productions are part of the identity and social relations that influence new types of tourism.

3. Making judgments:

students will gain the ability to express judgments on related topics and to use connected skills between the theoretical and practical approaches.

This result will also be achieved through participation in role-playing exercise and project work.

4. Communication skills:

students will learn the use of an appropriate technical and economic language. This achievement will have a technical and communicative value also for the job searching activity.

5. Learning skills:

Learning process during the course will be progressive and consistent according to the topics covered. Learning process during the course, will also monitored by the teacher even with the discussion of current topics coming from the actual evolution of the concrete situation.

Course Structure

Lessons will carried out in a traditional way with an interaction between theoretical framework and practical applications. The presentation of case studies by professionals and the creation of simulations and individual and group case studies by students is foreseen. All lessons are supported by ppt presentations, that will be available on the “Studium” online digital platform.

Detailed Course Content

the course explains the agri-food system, according to it’s own dynamism and according to European and national policies, which are devoted to enforce sustainable development of territories and the competitiveness of tourism in the agri-food sector.


The course is structured in three modules (from 3 CFU each), covering the main topics of the subject like: agri-food system, landscape, environment and food and wine specificity, essential resources for the tourist development of territories.


First module - market and the agri-food system: main characteristics that specifying the agri-food system; evolutions and reasons that underlie the changes in the way of producing, transforming, marketing and consuming agricultural and food products.


Second module - Agriculture, environmental, sustainability and social values: the sustainability of the agricultural and food sector, environment and multi-functionality (protection of natural resources and landscape, protected areas and Natura 2000, sustainable agriculture and related services, organic farming, agro-energies, social agriculture), the role of agriculture in rural areas, rural territory and sustainable development, rural tourism and rural development.


Third module - Quality agri-food production and food and wine tourism: the main theoretical-economic approaches to food quality and tools useful to protect quality; the Italian food industry and its excellence; quality products and food safety, food districts, food and wine tourism and food and wine itineraries.

Textbook Information

1. Messori F., Ferretti F., (2010), Economia del mercato agroalimentare, Edagricole, Il sole 24 ore, Milano.

2. Vieri S. , Agricoltura. Settore multifunzionale allo sviluppo. Edagricole-IlSole24Ore, 2012.

3. Lanfranchi M. Agroalimentare e turismo: fattori aggreganti dell'identità rurale. EDAS, 2008.

4. Croce E. e Perri G. (2018), Il Turismo enogastronomico. Progettare, gestire, vivere l'integrazione tra cibo, viaggio, territorio, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

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