SECS-P/12 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: The teaching aims to provide the student knowledge and elements useful for the understanding and interpretation of economic facts that, in the course
of the last centuries, have characterized the evolution of the world economy.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Through the analysis of evolutionary processes in the socio-economic structure of the different international institutional contexts, the student will have to acquire the ability to interpret socio-economic facts in their cause-effect relationships and a panoramic vision development issues, in their complex interdependencies. In this way, it will be put in conditions to evaluate the facts of the present in a more conscious and cautious way and to correlate the events to the policies and economic choices of different contexts.

Making judgments: The assimilation of the economic facts that make up the experience of the past in international contexts, will lead the student to acquire the necessary maturity to express opinions and opinions, with full autonomy of judgment, on the economic facts of the present and on the future implications of the national and international political choices in the economic field.

Communication skills: The study of the subject will give the student the necessary preparation for power easily support a comparison on economic issues. In order to better achieve this goal, yes
will foster communication and debate both during the lectures and during the reception hours.

Learning skills: The course aims to provide students with precise knowledge on the subject economic terminology, on the purposes of the use of economic, statistical and other models and tools
nature. The student will thus learn to evaluate the economic facts of a context, in the light of a multiplicity variety of factors. The student's learning abilities will be expanded, but, above all, its linking capacities between the different study objects will be expanded disciplines of which economic history makes use of the interpretation and understanding of economic facts.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons with use of slides, classroom discussions, in-depth readings, seminars and possible tests during the course, aimed to verify the knowledge acquired.

Detailed Course Content

Economic history. Society and economy in the pre-industrial period. Economic development. The premises of the English industrial revolution: population, agriculture, transport and trade. Traction industries and innovations in Great Britain. The English industrial revolution: the problems. The latter: France and the United States. The stages of growth (1850-1914). The conditions of growth: population, transport, banks and money. Production activities. The big business. The industrialized countries: Great Britain and France. High-growth countries: Germany and the United States. Two special cases: Russia and Japan. The economy of united Italy. Sicily between 1860 and 1914. World War I and its consequences. The Italian economy between the great war and the post-war period. Analysis of the situation in Sicily. Advent of fascism and its impact in Sicily. The Soviet Union. The Great Depression. Policies against depression. The project to attack the latifundium of late fascism. The international economy after 1950: the demographic problems and the productive sectors. The reconstruction after the II world war. The Sicilian economy (1940-45). From the Golden Age to the crisis. Neoliberalism and globalization. Development and underdevelopment. Developed economies: United States, Japan and the European Union. The Italian economy. The Sicilian economy. The end of the planned economy in the Soviet Union. The awakening of Asia. Latin America and Africa.

Textbook Information

1. E. De Simone, Storia economica. Dalla rivoluzione industriale alla rivoluzione informatica, Franco Angeli, Milano 2014.
2. M. Colonna, Breve storia economica della Sicilia dal Medioevo ai nostri giorni, Book Sprint, 2016, (pp. 108-133, 137-147, 164-192).

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