FIS/07 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide some knowledge on topics of applied physics to the environment, in various areas. Independent study and communication skills of the knowledge acquired will be developed, particularly in matters related to the environment and the connection with the issues that arise in the society.

Course Structure

Frontal lectures will be held. The teacher is available for more detailed information and explaination.

Detailed Course Content

PHYSICS OF THE TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERE. Composition and primordial origin. Current composition and static structure of the atmosphere. Characteristic variables: temperature, pressure and humidity. Thermodynamics of the atmosphere. Radiation from a black body. Spectrum of solar radiation. Transmission of solar radiation in the sun-earth space. Atmospheric radiation. Terrestrial radiation. Heat balance of the earth-sun system. Greenhouse effect. Ozone hole. Dynamics of the atmosphere. Atmospheric stability. Potential temperature. Temperature inversions. Air pollution. Transport and dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. Diffusion models: Gaussian model. ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY. The nuclear radiation, origin and characteristics. Radioactivity of the Earth. Radiation-matter interaction. Techniques for measurement of radionuclides in environmental samples. Radon: sources and transport mechanisms. Radon and geodynamic events. Nuclear techniques for geophysical studies. Radiation field. Characteristic variables. Dosimetry. Exposure and dose. Quality factor. Activity. Methods of measurement of Dose. Personal dosimetry. Biological effects of radiation. L.E.T. Biological damage. Stochastic and non-stochastic effects. Delayed somatic effects and hereditary. Radiation protection. Risk factors. Optimization of radiation protection. PHYSICAL IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENT Electromagnetic pollution. Noise pollution THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION AND THE ENERGY SUPPLY.

Textbook Information

Slides will be available on the lesson topics.

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