L-LIN/14 - 6 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course in history of the German Language will be held in German.

Main aims of the course:

1. to focus on some main questions about the standardization of the language.

2. to gain relevant knowledge about German syntax, and about some relevant changes occurred to orthographical standards.

3. to enlarge conceptual understanding and methodological competence about working in German studies and modern research techniques.

4. to be able to critically evaluate current research and advanced research and scholarship in the discipline or area of professional competence.

5. to encourage intellectual independence and practical competence in this research field as well as ethical behaviour consistent with academic integrity and the use of appropriate guidelines and procedures for responsible conduct of research.

6. To sustain the communication of ideas, issues, and conclusions clearly, both through a written essay and an oral examination.

Detailed Course Content

The course will particularly focus on the peculiarities of contemporary German and academic writing. Stylistic, rhetoric and syntactic peculiarities will also be examined as focus of interest for translation studies and praxis (section A).

Part of the course will be dedicated to the analysis of texts and to academic writing. The analysis will take different research perspectives into account trying to unfold different layers and peculiarities (section B).

An anthology of different texts (section C) will provide the start-up discussion, and written exercises, to develop individual skills and a final research project (presentation and written papers) that will be evaluated during the exam.

The project and the research will be guided and followed by the teacher during a part of the course or during office hours (see STUDIUM).

Textbook Information

A Academic writing and translation

- H.Gruber, B. Huemer, M. Rheindorf, Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Ein Praxisbuch für Studierende der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, UTB, 2009, pp. 240.

- F. Cavagnoli, La voce del testo. L’arte e il mestiere di tradurre, Feltrinelli 2012, pp.199.


B Genre, style, methaphorik

R. Schrott, A. Jacobs, Gehirn und Gedicht, Hanser, Münschen, 2011 (Metaphorik, pp-161-221; Vers und Rheim, pp. 347-369; Schrift und Sprache, pp. 377-385).


C Anthology of Text in German:

Letture in lingua originale:

Elias Canetti, Die gerettete Zunge, Fischer 1997, pp. 329 (minimum two chapters)


A brief collection of texts in German will be on the web-page of STUDIUM


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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