L-ART/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Acquiring an in-depth knowledge of the medieval artistic experiences, as well as of the specific languages, techniques and aims of the medieval artistic production in Europe and in the Mediterranean area.

Analyze some aspects of the intersections between East and West in the medieval Mediterranean, with particular reference to the choices of the artistic commission in the Kingdom of Sicily.

Detailed Course Content

A - Contexts and functions of the arts in the Middle Ages.

B - East and West in the artistic expressions of the Kingdom of Sicily.

Textbook Information

A - 4 CFU

Student will choose some essays from :

Arti e storia nel Medioevo. I. Tempi Spazi Istituzioni, a cura di E. Castelnuovo e G. Sergi, Torino 2002.

L’Arte medievale nel contesto. 300-1300. Funzioni, iconografia, tecniche, a cura di P. Piva, Milano 2006.


B – 5 CFU

Student will choose, for the number of text pages envisaged for each cfu (150 c.a.), some essays from:

San Filippo di Fragalà. Monastero greco della Sicilia Normanna. Storia, architettura e decorazione pittorica, a cura di S. Brodbeck - M. De Giorgi - M. Falla Castelfranchi - C. Jolivet-Lévy – M.-P. Raynaud, École Française de Rome 2018

S. Brodbeck, Les Saints de la cathédrale de Monreale en Sicile. Iconographie, hagiographie et pouvoir royal à la fin du XIIe siècle, École Française de Rome 2010

Orient et Occident méditerranéens au XIIIe siècle. Les programmes picturaux, Atti del Colloquio internazionale, (École Française d’Athènes, 2-4 aprile 2009) a cura di J.-P. Caillet e F. Joubert, Paris 2012

Le porte del Paradiso. Arte e tecnologia bizantina tra Italia e Mediterraneo, a cura di A. Iacobini, Roma 2009


Parts of this module will be carried out in coordination with the teaching of History of Byzantine Art and with the scheduled seminars of proff. M. Falla, A. Iacobini and M. De Giorgi.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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