L-FIL-LET/14 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Selected Literary Themes and Forms within the modern cultural European heritage.

Detailed Course Content

A) power, money and colonies in the modern Age.

B) short and allegoric stories between 19. and 20. century.

Textbook Information

1) W. Shakespeare, The tempest (recommended editions: Feltrinelli; Garzanti; Rizzoli);

2) W. Goethe, Faust II: Act I; Act V; knowledge of the general scheme of the work (Recommended editions: Mondadori, C. F. Fortini, Garzanti, with a translation by C. Casalegno.) Introductions and schemes should be carefully studied).

3) J. Conrad, Heart of Darkness (we recommend the editions Mondadori, with the Introductions by R. Hampson, to be studied).

This part of the program will address the problem of the formation of power, especially in the European colonial expansion, between the early seventeenth and early twentieth centuries, through the literary transfiguration. During the lessons, the initial part, Concept of Enlightenment, will be read in the volume of Horkheimer and Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment, Einaudi, pp. 11-50, to be studied for exams.


Part two:

1) L. Tolstoj, La morte di Ivan Il'ic (we recommend the Feltrinelli edition);

2) H. James, Il giro di vite (we recommend the Feltrinelli edition);

3) F. Kafka, La metamorfosi (we recommend the Einaudi edition, or the Feltrinelli Edition).


In this part the modern short fiction will be addressed through some great literary examples.

For an understanding of the main topics the volume of F. Orlando, Il soprannaturale letterario, (Einaudi), to be studied for the exams, will be discussed during the lessons (only pp. 3-87).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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