L-LIN/07 - 6 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The Course aims at the achievement of the communicative competence at C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages both written and oral skills. It is meant to provide the students with the necessary tools for the analysis of authentic texts within a translation practice perspective.

Course Structure

Theoretical lessons, practices and seminars.

Participation in conferences.

Detailed Course Content

The Course focuses on 3 parts: Syntactic analysis, Text typologies and Text commentary, Translation.

Language classes carried out by the mother-tongue language lecturers are part of the Course.

Textbook Information

Part 1 (Syntactic analysis)

Part 2 (Textual and Linguistic analysis)

Part 3 (Translation)

Mother-tongue language lecturers

▪ AA.VV., ¡Nuevo dominio! Curso de perfeccionamiento, nivel C, Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, Madrid, 2016. 184 pp.

▪ de Prada,M., Salazar, D., Molero, C.M., Uso interactivo del vocabulario : y sus combinaciones mas frecuentes : niveles desde B2 hasta C2, Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, Madrid, (1° ed. 2012), latest edition, 182 pp.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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