1 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Making a correct visit and drafting Pedodontic folder . Knowledge and differential diagnosis of stomatognathic's diseases in children. Choice and interpretation of instrumental tests specific for different oral diseases. Making conservative dental therapies , interceptive orthodontic treatment and minor oral surgery.

Course Structure

Training on patients

Detailed Course Content

Examination of the mouth and related structures: History and physical examination

Imaging techniques - x-ray examinations

Compilation of pedodontic medical records.

Interpretation of radiographic examinations in pediatric dentistry .

Dental caries prevention and conservative treatment of primary and permanent teeth.

Traumas and fractures and dental tissue support. Pediatric oral surgery.

Temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents

Textbook Information

Angus C. Cameron, Richard P. Widmer: Manuale di Pedodonzia / Masson Editore. Milano

Goran Koch, Sven Poulsen: Odontoiatria infantile - Un approccio clinico / Edi-Ermes Editore. Milano

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